Security Counseling

For you or your company to have the security subject under control, SUHAI offers wide-ranging counselings, covering everything from the routines of those protected and their relatives, and covering all current points of vulnerability, such as example information leakage by improper use of social media, relationships or through information provided by domestic employees.

Covering all these possibilities, the SUHAI counseling allows the construction of a robust and effective security design with preventive procedures for agents and also those protected. The risks identified in counseling should be reassessed periodically.

The counseling work of SUHAI can also be carried out in partnership with leading national and international security consultants.

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    Residential Protection

    All safety procedures are monitored electronically by the 24 hour Monitoring Center and audited continuously by a supervisor at the site. The agents are trained for various emergency situations, and c...

    Family Protection

    SUHAI familiar protection is the result of a project developed after a thorough security analysis, and may include important items like Security Drivers, Bodyguard (male or female), Home Guard, electr...

    Executive Protection

    Have you ever thought about replace your hours in traffic for a productive time for, emails, teleconferences, virtual meetings and contacts with customers? Do this with total tranquility hiring SUHAI,...