SUHAI is a company with over 31 years of experience in the personal security market, a segment in which we are leaders and recognized for our Quality and our People management.

Every day we act to Value our Employees, generating great opportunities, valuing their well-being and that of their families, providing professional development, an appropriate organizational environment, motivation and above all, respect. This is one of the 4 SUHAI Values.

And to our delight, the large numbers of surveys from our participants resulted in our first participation in the GPTW!

We want to share with you a little about this challenge and how it was successfully completed.

For over 10 years, SuHai has conducted internal satisfaction and organizational climate surveys based on international best practices. It is an established and respected format. But how about being researched and certified by a world-renowned institution? With modern methodology and tools, easily accessible by any employee, no matter where he or she may be. Are we up to the challenge? In 2020, we decided to participate for the first time. Over time and with our internal actions, our goal was to grow each year with a positive perception of the team, until we could compare ourselves to the best.

The results were surprising, especially under the current COVID19 Pandemic. The number of responses from our team was 50% higher than expected, and we have surpassed the average of being the best in Brazil in the “Pride” category, which reflects how each colleague feels integrated with the SUHAI team.

We are very happy to see that our employees participated without hesitation and surprised us once again with the satisfaction of being part of our team.

It is even more gratifying to see that we have become a GPTW company without having to change what we currently do, because we offer opportunities, cherish well-being, create professional development and an appropriate and motivating environment, promoting “Employee Appreciation”.

Thank you SUHAI Employees! Until next time!!!

What is GPTW?

Great Place to Work (GPTW) began in the 1980s, with Robert Levering, a journalist specializing in labor matters and relations between companies and employees. Today it has become one of the most renowned institutes in the world, dedicated to annually researching the work environment and employee satisfaction in companies of all sizes, evaluating dimensions such as Credibility, Respect, Impartiality, Comradeship and Pride. GPTW’s mission is to help “Build a better society, transforming each organization into a Great Place to Work for all.”

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